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Get School Tour Presentation 

The date of the Presentation and Student Survey is March 22.

Refer to the attached letter below about the presentation.

Dear Parent or Guardian,

On March 22, From 9:05-9:45a, East Allen University High School will host a mental health awareness program where students will participate in the "Get Schooled Tour Event".

Students will participate in an anonymous polling. No identifying information of the student's name, address, phone number, or email address is included in the polling.

Information about the "Get Schooled Tour" can be found at including a video summarizing the purpose and intent of the program.

If you would like to see the list of questions that students could be asked during the event, it can be found here: _

The Get Schooled Tour and East Allen University High School would like as many students as possible to participate. However, the following safeguards are in place:

● A parent can decide that their child/student will not participate.

● A student can decide on the event day to not participate.

● A student can choose to participate and stop at any time.

Please call the school at (260) 446-0240 Ext. 7506 and contact Ms. Antrim with any questions.

Graham Brown 

Get Schooled Tour Director 

260.422.1958 ext. 3